A must read

Congrats Andy for such a candid article in The Huffington Post today.
Angus getting ready for Cheltenham Paint Festival

Angus’s plans for Cheltenham Paint Festival
Lemak is keeping it under wraps

Just had a quick chat with Lemak – really looking forward to his new piece at Cheltenham Paint Festival. I’ve had a sneak peak and it’s going to be epic.
Emma Caton - plans for Cheltenham

I caught up with the wonderful Emma Caton ahead of this year’s Cheltenham Paint Festival and asked her what she is up to.
‘I’m doing a new series of work titled #be_safe #be_seen. It is a portrait of a friend who always has my back on the road.’ It starts the launch of a fabulous project that Emma is launching.
Great exhibition by Andrew Burns Colwill extended till 24 June

This is Andy’s vision good and bad for the year 20/50. He sees both sides – yes the destruction through our impact causing climate change, but also technological advances meaning we will be able to grow beef and body parts from DNA, and there is reflection and the recognition of the need for reflection – spaces and people without a cell phone – time to be mindful.